Ressence Type 5 L

The case, in grade 5 titanium, measures 46mm x 15.5mm. Double-domed sapphire crystals top and bottom with anti-reflective coating inside. Uni-directional bezel. Caseback winding and time setting with Ressence Compression Lock System (RCLS). It is water resistant to 100 meters.
Movement is the Swiss patented ROCS 5 Ressence Orbital Convex System module driven by the minute axle of a customised ETA caliber 2824-2 with 41 jewels, 28,800 vph and a power reserve of 36 hours. Magnetic transmission and compensating Bellow System. Functions are: hours, minutes, 90 seconds runner, and oil temperature.
The dial has engraved indications with green SuperLumina. Two separate sealed chambers with the upper one filled with 3.75 ml of oil. Three eccentric biaxial satellites inclined at 3° (hours), 4,75° (thermal gauge and runner).
It comes on a 24mm grey fabric strap with yellow leather lining, and a blue rubber strap. Ardillon buckle.

積家Reverso Tribute Chronograph翻轉系列計時腕錶 方形計時機芯的重生

JAEGER-LECOULTRE Reverso Tribute Chronograph積家翻轉系列計時腕錶
積家在2023年推出的Reverso Tribute Chronograph 翻轉系列計時腕錶是目前錶壇上罕見的方型錶殼搭配方形計時機芯的組合。



積家Reverso Tribute Chronograph翻轉系列計時腕錶作為2023年的新作,結合了方型錶殼與方形計時機芯的獨特組合,不僅延續了經典設計,還以全新的姿態展現其魅力,是對昔日Reverso限量手上鍊計時錶款的一次新生。

JAEGER-LECOULTRE Reverso Tribute Chronograph積家翻轉系列計時腕錶



而在1996年推出的Reverso Chronograph翻轉系列計時腕錶,則是具有日期窗和30分鐘逆跳計時功能,這在當時也是一項創新。這款腕錶後來演變成2023年推出的Reverso Tribute Chronograph翻轉系列計時腕錶的前身,雖然功能有所調整,但依然保留了其獨特的設計特色和精湛的機械運作。


JAEGER-LECOULTRE Reverso Tribute Chronograph積家翻轉系列計時腕錶
藍灰色放射紋面盤。不鏽鋼錶款搭配藍灰色放射紋面盤,這是積家運用創新的ALD(Atomic Layer Deposit,意為「原子層沉積」)工藝,將超薄氧化鈦層層塗覆,才能形成如此微妙精緻的色彩。


在後來的發展中,積家將這款829機芯運用於Reverso Gran Sport Chronograph錶款上,這顯示了積家對於其獨特機芯的重視和延續。即便在自動上鍊機芯(如750系列)問世後,這款手動上鍊的829機芯仍然保留了其特殊的地位和價值,成為錶迷們珍藏的對象之一。


AEGER-LECOULTRE Reverso Tribute Chronograph積家翻轉系列計時腕錶
玫瑰金錶款。2023年廠方推出不鏽鋼與玫瑰金共兩款的Reverso Tribute Chronograph,而玫瑰金款則是搭配黑色面盤。


所以隨著搭載860機芯的新款Reverso Tribute Chronograph腕錶的推出,這枚機芯也再次重生。不過,本錶款除了位於上鍊錶冠兩側的兩枚按把外,並不容易發現本款腕錶的功能,直到翻轉錶殼後,才能從鏤空面盤發現複雜的計時結構。而860型機芯採導柱輪計時裝置與水平離合結構,與現在新世代的垂直離合結構相比,水平離合器更有利於減少機芯的厚度,與維修的複雜性,同時也容易觀看到計時結構的整體運作。



AEGER-LECOULTRE Reverso Tribute Chronograph積家翻轉系列計時腕錶


而錶款的正面錶盤採用了Reverso Tribute翻轉系列腕錶的所有特色,包含巴頓型時標、太子妃式指針和軌道式分鐘刻度,以及含蓄而優雅的太陽放射狀飾紋面盤。廠方共推出不鏽鋼與玫瑰金錶殼兩個款式,每款腕錶皆隨附兩條錶帶,並配備Reverso Tribute翻轉系列腕錶經典的可替換錶扣,方便更換錶帶。


基本上來說,當積家自2005年推出首枚自動上鍊計時機芯751之後,原先運用在Reverso Gran Sport Chronograph錶款上的859機芯,也退出積家的計時錶款陣容,所以開始由750系列機芯獨霸天下的局面。但是積家也知道,現今許多資深機械錶迷與收藏家,對於手上鍊計時機芯仍有高度偏好,特別是當垂直離合計時結構成為主流,幾乎毫無欣賞的空間(僅剩導柱輪可欣賞),此時水平離合結構的美感價值就凸顯出來。

AEGER-LECOULTRE Reverso Tribute Chronograph積家翻轉系列計時腕錶
Reverso Tribute Chronograph翻轉系列計時腕錶。860手動上鍊機芯/動力儲存52小時/雙面時間顯示,計時功能,30分鐘逆跳計時盤/直徑49.4 x 29.9 mm不鏽鋼錶殼/藍寶石水晶鏡面、透明底蓋/防水30米/參考價SGD $33370

於是在相隔近20年之後,積家以860方形計時機芯為基礎,搭配Reverso Tribute的錶殼與面盤設計,同時加大機芯的鏤空程度,讓錶迷能一窺計時結構的奧妙,同時更是錶壇上唯一的方形手動上鍊計時機芯,光是這一項賣點就讓許多收藏家心動,唯一成為考量的重點,大概就是錶款的價格,因為幾乎足以買下兩只Polaris自動計時錶款。

Blancpain Bathyscaphe Quantieme Complet Phases de Lune

The Blancpain Bathyscaphe Quantieme Complet Phases de Lune is a beautiful and sophisticated timepiece. It features a complete calendar with moon phase complications, housed within Blancpain’s iconic Bathyscaphe design. This model combines technical prowess with elegant aesthetics, making it a desirable choice for watch enthusiasts who appreciate both functionality and style.

Blancpain presents the new Bathyscaphe Quantième Complet Phases de Lune, now fitted with an elaborately designed and patented black ceramic bracelet and a case made from the same material.

Technical Specifications:
The case, in satin brushed black ceramic, measures 43.6mm X 14.1mm. It has an AR-coated sapphire crystal, a sapphire display back, and it is water resistant to 300 meters. Unidirectional satin-brushed black ceramic bezel with black ceramic insert and grey Liquidmetal hour-markers.

Movement is the Swiss automatic Blancpain in-house caliber 6654.P with 28 jewels, 28,800 vph and a power reserve of 3 days. It features a silicon balance-spring. Finishing includes bevelling, circular graining and snailing. Functions are: hours, minutes, and central seconds. Complete calendar and moonphase.

Sunray brushed blue dial with subtly graduated coloring. SuperLuminova hands and indices.

It comes on a 23mm satin brushed black ceramic bracelet or with a NATO or sailcloth strap options.

突破性鈦碳複合材質 芝柏表絕對桂冠8Tech計時碼錶

絕對桂冠8Tech計時碼錶,型號 81060-41-3222-1CX/直徑44mm,碳/鈦複合材質錶殼/時間指示,計時功能,日期窗,小秒針/GP03300-1058自動上鍊機芯,動力儲存至少46小時/藍寶石水晶鏡面,透明底蓋/防水100米/參考價格SGD $36083

芝柏表GIRARD-PERREGAUX自2019年發佈Laureato Absolute絕對桂冠腕表以來,堅持不懈地探索各種尖端材質。全新絕對桂冠8Tech計時碼表汲取了品牌日積月累的專業製錶知識,錶殼採用突破性的8Tech技術,由八角形碳部件構成,從而創作出每一枚錶殼的外觀都不盡相同,也因此令每一枚腕錶獨一無二。絕對桂冠8Tech計時碼表又一次彰顯了GP芝柏表善於利用尖端材質,打造攝人心魄之美學效果的卓凡能力。

















錶盤設有三個噴砂計時盤,並在4點和5點之間設日期視窗。巴頓時針和分針由灰色鈦製成,內嵌夜光材料 (白光)。中央計時秒針指向分鐘軌道,以鮮明易讀的方式進行秒數顯示。錶盤巧妙運用紋理、色彩和立體感,成就腕錶的清晰易讀性的同時,盡顯帥氣前衛的外觀。



絕對桂冠 8Tech計時碼表搭載GP芝柏表自製的GP03300-1058自動上鏈機芯。煙熏色藍寶石水晶玻璃錶背與錶殼和錶圈的單色設計交相呼應。機芯包含419個零件,錶面經過精緻的修飾工藝處理,包括日內瓦波紋、倒角和直紋打磨,彰顯GP芝柏表自1791年以來不斷精進的傳統製錶技藝。



製敬非凡工藝 寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L’horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶

寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L'horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶
Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L’horloge鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶 5345BR;直徑46mm 18K玫瑰金錶殼/時間指示、雙陀飛輪/588N 型手上鍊機芯,動力儲存60小時/藍寶石水晶鏡面,透明底蓋


寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L'horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶




寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L'horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶



寶璣在機刻雕花工作室中為這款腕錶創造了全新的機刻雕花圖案:radiant flinqué,這種圖案在視覺上有如規律的聲波。這種裝飾用於點綴玫瑰金旋轉主夾板和其下的鍍銠金質錶橋。機刻雕花工藝是寶璣一大標誌性特色,這種藝術藉著近30台機刻雕花車床得以延續,令機刻雕花工作坊成為製錶行業中極為重要的工作坊。新的機刻雕花車床會在錶廠內製作,而歷史悠久的車床(部分可追溯至18世紀)則從世界各地不再使用車床的個人和公司購得。所有車床皆由寶璣內部的專業機械師修復,然後在工作坊重新投入使用。每台機刻雕花車床各具特色,能夠製作不同類型的裝飾,有的是直線,有的是圓形。機刻雕花工藝大師經過訓練,能夠加工出豐富多樣的幾何圖案。在寶璣,幾乎所有腕錶都飾有機刻雕花圖案,可見於錶盤、錶殼、擺陀、主夾板或錶橋之上。


寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L'horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶


機芯背面的雕刻圖案需要超過一百個小時的精工細作。精美的雕刻細節引人聯想到寶璣品牌的誕生之地。錶廠工藝大師的手工雕刻圖案,呈現阿伯拉罕- 路易. 寶璣( Abraham-Louis Breguet)先生設於鐘錶堤岸(Quai de l’Horloge)39號的鳥瞰圖。為創造這些透視效果,工藝大師使用了多種技巧,尤其是需要挖空材質的淺浮雕。使用記號筆在瀝青上畫出細線,並運用黑色和白色的銠來營造灰色對比。這些顏色亦可見於錶橋上的電鍍層。


寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L'horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶





寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L'horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶




寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L'horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶

寶璣CEO Lionel a Marca重點訪談:

1. 為何寶璣如此重視延續諸多被遺忘的製錶工藝?

Lionel a Marca 表示:「如果有任何品牌要成為這個領域的守護者,那就非寶璣莫屬!寶璣擁有250年的專業知識……阿伯拉罕-路易·寶璣(Abraham-Louis Breguet)先生是現代製錶之父。在寶璣被斯沃琪集團收購之際,Nicolas G. Hayek 將注意力集中於已遭遺忘的機刻雕花技術。如今,品牌擁有鐘錶業界數一數二的機刻雕花工作坊。我們也在內部培訓工匠,因為一些藝術工藝沒有專門的學校。要延續明天的製錶技藝,這種傳承是必不可少的。」。

寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L'horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶

2. 我們在談論藝術工藝,寶璣最先自製所有機芯的製錶廠……

寶璣首席執行官Lionel a Marca曾表示,寶璣的所有機芯均在位於汝山谷(Vallée de Joux)的製錶廠生產。該製錶廠擁有專門的高級複雜功能(Hautes Complications)工作坊,由熱衷於製作如陀飛輪、時間等式和三問報時等需要豐富經驗的機芯的專家營運。此外,寶璣還設有古董時計修復工作坊,那裡的工匠必須掌握歷史悠久的技藝。這種對卓越的追求,反映了寶璣對客戶和品牌歷史的尊重。

寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L'horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶
寶璣Classique Double Tourbillon Quai de L’horloge 5345鏤空雙陀飛輪腕錶是非凡傑作。

3. 1801年,阿伯拉罕-路易.寶璣先生推出了一款配備陀飛輪的懷錶,該裝置可抵消重力的影響,並提供更高的精準度。如今,這種裝置對於腕錶的準確性已不再必要。它仍然如此令人著迷,您會如何解釋?

Lionel a Marca 認為,鐘錶的美學藝術、背後的精湛工藝以及大眾對這些特質的著迷,都是主導因素。他指出,觀察陀飛輪的運轉,就像觀看心跳一樣令人著迷。此外,他強調,時計是令人渴望的物件,他們的目標是繼續激發人們的興趣並讓他們做夢——這不是一個很好的挑戰嗎?

BELL & ROSS全新BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold金鋼腕錶

Bell & Ross推出全新BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold腕錶。

Bell & Ross推出全新BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold腕錶,薈萃品牌之獨有時計的美學特色,並換上更富時代感的金鋼外衣,散發華貴氣派及鮮明個性。


BR 05 Artline系列在2022年面世,其設計具有強烈的個性,靈感來自上世紀三十年代盛行的裝飾藝術風潮。Bell & Ross創辦人兼創意總監Bruno Belamich解釋說:「Artline之名包含了藝術性(art)及設計線條(line)兩個層次,觀其外型會立即聯想到美式Streamline摩登流線型風格的影子。」

Streamline “流線型”是在三十年代美國興起的一種工業設計思潮,主張形態、物料與技術的和諧結合,將工業設計與空氣動力學合體,提升功能美學的地位。當時亦湧現了一批新一代的專業設計師,他們不僅肩負工程師或製圖員的角色,更要構思如何將線條和色彩結合,為工業產品賦予原創的神韻及美學特色。當中的先驅人物如Raymond Loewy,將現代火車、飛機及汽車的前衛線條融入日常用品設計中,蔚為風潮。

Bell & Ross為Artline系列注入Streamline設計特色,向當年的先驅設計師致敬。

全新BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold錶款,以七零年代受歡迎的金剛雙色搭配,成就別具當代都市時尚格調。


回首七八十年代的金鋼腕錶既精緻又有個性,散發華貴優雅氣質,在美國相當受到歡迎。近年新一代錶迷對當年的前衛設計及創意自由風氣甚為嚮往,亦推動了金鋼錶款設計大舉回歸。Bell & Ross緊握潮流趨勢,推出全新BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold錶款,設計非懷舊復古,是集剛勁氣質及華美格調於一身,別具當代都市時尚格調。

Bruno Belamich補充說:「我們要構思一個裝飾講究又優雅的錶款,從BR 05系列入手相當適合,因為錶殼及中央鏈節有足夠位置作裝飾,充分發揮BR 05華貴腕飾的本質。」此外,以精鋼配搭18K玫瑰金細節,亦滿足了更多錶迷的期望。


BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold的錶圈及整合式鏈帶的中央鏈節的坑紋細節,是高級製錶及金飾工藝象徵,充滿現代建築風味。


BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold的玫瑰金細節是其中一個搶眼元素:錶圈及整合式鏈帶的中央鏈節的坑紋細節是高級製錶及金飾工藝的象徵,亦令人想起現代建築設計。坑紋裝飾在技術型腕錶設計中較少見,卻令BR 05 Artline展現獨一無二的性格。Artline與其他BR 05錶款各見其趣,鮮明個性中不乏BR 05獨有的特質。當中的坑紋裝飾相信會得到航空迷歡心,當然品牌一直以來從航空國度啟發出無限靈感,BR 05 Artline的外觀,令人想起四十年代飛機的堅固鋁金屬機身設計。Bruno Belamich指出:「我設計這錶款時腦海中浮現幾個主題,第一個主題是航空旅程。」為充滿都市時尚氣質的BR 05系列注入這新元素,華美精緻添上幾分剛勁。

BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold 直徑40mm不鏽鋼與18K玫瑰金錶殼/時間指示,日期窗/Cal.321自動上鍊機芯,54小時動力儲存/藍寶石水晶鏡面,透明底蓋/防水100米/參考價NTD 438,000


錶盤上的棒形時標取代了數字,而時標、時針及分針經夜光處理。黃金秒針與錶盤的亮棕色調配襯,射線紋經特別技術製作,而錶盤的金屬板亦有棕色漆料塗層,始能達到理想光影效果。錶殼直徑40毫米,防水深度約100米,腕錶裝配高性能BR-CAL. 321-1自動機芯,具有54小時動力儲備,藍寶石玻璃錶背透視機芯及上鏈擺陀的精美造工。限量99只。

全新BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold薈萃多項具有象徵意味的細節,建築線條、都市時尚及航空美學元素互相輝映,當代優雅氣質油然而生。

Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2885

Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2885: Masterful Craftsmanship Unveiled

Audemars Piguet’s caliber AP 2885 stands as a testament to precision and innovation in watchmaking. This masterpiece combines intricate mechanics with timeless elegance, making it a coveted choice among enthusiasts and collectors alike.

Specifications Table:

Caliber TypeAutomatic
FunctionsChronograph, Perpetual Calendar, Moonphase
Power ReserveApproximately 40 hours
Frequency21,600 vibrations per hour
Case Diameter41 mm
Case Material18k Rose Gold
Water Resistance20 meters (66 feet)
DialSilver-toned with “Grande Tapisserie” pattern
Strap/BraceletHand-stitched large square scale brown alligator strap with 18k rose gold AP folding clasp
CrystalSapphire crystal
Special FeaturesLeap year indication, Day, Date, Month, Moonphase

Craftsmanship and Design:

The AP 2885 caliber showcases Audemars Piguet’s mastery in combining technical excellence with aesthetic appeal. Its perpetual calendar complication ensures accuracy in tracking days, dates, and even leap years, while the moonphase indicator adds a touch of celestial elegance to its dial.


In conclusion, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2885 exemplifies the pinnacle of horological engineering and luxury craftsmanship. Whether admired for its complex movement or its exquisite design details, this timepiece remains a symbol of sophistication and innovation in the world of haute horlogerie.

Endorsed Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2884

Audemars Piguet’s caliber AP 2884 stands as a pinnacle of watchmaking artistry, renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship and innovative design. This caliber powers several prestigious models within the Audemars Piguet collection, offering enthusiasts a blend of technical prowess and elegant aesthetics.

Technical Specifications

Here’s a detailed look at the specifications of the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2884:

Movement TypeAutomatic
Caliber NumberAP 2884
Power ReserveUp to 60 hours
Frequency28,800 vibrations per hour
FunctionsHours, minutes, seconds, date
Case SizeTypically ranges from 39mm to 41mm
Water Resistance50 meters (5 ATM)
MaterialStainless steel, gold, or titanium
Strap/BraceletVarious options including leather and metal bracelets

Precision and Innovation

At the heart of the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2884 lies a commitment to precision and innovation. Each component is meticulously crafted to ensure optimal performance, reflecting Audemars Piguet’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of watchmaking excellence.

Crafted with a balance of traditional horological expertise and modern technology, the AP 2884 is designed not just as a timekeeping instrument but as a symbol of luxury and refinement. Its intricate movements and smooth mechanics cater to watch enthusiasts seeking both reliability and sophistication.

Timeless Elegance

Whether housed in a sleek stainless steel case or adorned with luxurious gold accents, watches powered by the AP 2884 caliber exude timeless elegance. From the iconic Royal Oak models to the classic designs of the Jules Audemars collection, each timepiece embodies the essence of Audemars Piguet’s heritage and craftsmanship.

In conclusion, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2884 continues to captivate horology enthusiasts with its blend of technical mastery and aesthetic appeal. As a cornerstone of Audemars Piguet’s legacy, it stands as a testament to the artistry and innovation that define this esteemed Swiss watchmaker.

Endorsed Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2875

Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2875: Precision Craftsmanship

Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2875 is renowned for its precision and craftsmanship, setting new standards in luxury watchmaking. This exceptional movement powers several iconic models, each embodying the brand’s commitment to innovation and excellence.

Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2875 Iconic Models

The Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2875 is featured in the Royal Oak Offshore collection, combining robustness with elegance. This series is favored by watch enthusiasts and collectors alike for its distinctive design and superior performance.

Superior Performance

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, the AP 2875 ensures unparalleled accuracy and reliability. Its advanced engineering enables precise timekeeping, making it a preferred choice among connoisseurs and professionals.

Specifications Table

CaliberAP 2875
Power ReserveUp to 55 hours
FunctionsHours, minutes, seconds, date
Frequency21,600 vibrations per hour
Dimensions29.92 mm (diameter)
Thickness4.80 mm
FinishingHand-finished, Geneva stripes

This table provides a comprehensive overview of the AP 2875’s specifications, showcasing its technical prowess and attention to detail.

Endorsed Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2874

The Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2874 is an exceptional movement used in several models, making it a favorite among watch enthusiasts. This caliber showcases the brand’s dedication to precision, craftsmanship, and innovative design.

Used in Many Models

The AP 2874 movement is primarily found in various Royal Oak and Royal Oak Offshore models. These watches, therefore, benefit from its high accuracy, durability, and exquisite finishing. Additionally, its integration ensures that each watch delivers outstanding performance, further enhancing its appeal to collectors and fans alike.

Features and Functions

The caliber AP 2874 is known for its intricate design and impressive features. It includes a chronograph function, which, consequently, allows precise timekeeping for sports and other activities. Furthermore, its automatic winding system ensures the watch remains powered without manual winding. This combination of features makes it highly reliable and user-friendly.

Technical Specifications

Here are the technical specifications of the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2874:

Movement TypeAutomatic
FunctionsChronograph, Date
Power Reserve40 hours
Number of Jewels37
Frequency21,600 vibrations per hour
Diameter28.60 mm
Thickness7.90 mm

Versatility in Design

One of the key aspects of the AP 2874 is its versatility. Because of its adaptable design, it fits seamlessly into different watch styles, from sporty to elegant. Moreover, its robust construction ensures it can withstand various conditions, making it a versatile choice for any occasion.

Importance of Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial to keep the AP 2874 running smoothly. Firstly, it ensures the movement remains accurate. Secondly, it helps identify and fix any potential issues early. Lastly, proper care and servicing can significantly extend the lifespan of the watch, ensuring it remains a treasured timepiece for years to come.


The Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2874 is an outstanding example of horological excellence. Its integration into numerous models, combined with its exceptional features and durability, makes it a highly desirable movement among watch enthusiasts. Regular maintenance and care are essential to preserve its performance and longevity, ensuring it remains a cherished part of any watch collection.

Endorsed Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2861A

Introduction to Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2861

The Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2861 is a remarkable watch movement. Moreover, it is known for its precision. Additionally, it has a beautiful design. Furthermore, it is used in several iconic models. Consequently, it has become very popular among watch enthusiasts.

Key Features of the Caliber AP 2861

The Caliber AP 2861 boasts impressive features. First, it has a high frequency of 28,800 vibrations per hour. Next, it offers a power reserve of 38 hours. Also, the movement includes 33 jewels. Moreover, it has a diameter of 29.92 mm. Finally, it is renowned for its reliability and performance.

Models Using Caliber AP 2861

Notable Models

The Caliber AP 2861 powers various Audemars Piguet models. Firstly, it is found in the Royal Oak Offshore series. Secondly, it is used in the Jules Audemars collection. Thirdly, it appears in the Millenary line. Additionally, it features in some Royal Oak models. Lastly, it enhances several limited edition watches.

Specifications of Caliber AP 2861

Frequency28,800 vibrations per hour
Power Reserve38 hours
Diameter29.92 mm


In conclusion, the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2861 is a significant watch movement. Its high frequency ensures precise timekeeping. Furthermore, its power reserve is quite substantial. Additionally, it is used in many popular models. Finally, it is admired for its design and performance. Therefore, it is a favorite among collectors.


In summary, the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2861 offers numerous benefits. It is reliable, accurate, and beautifully crafted. Moreover, it enhances the appeal of various watch models. Additionally, it is a testament to Audemars Piguet’s craftsmanship. Consequently, it remains highly sought after. Finally, understanding its features can help appreciate its value.

Exploring the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2860

The Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2860 is a remarkable movement in the world of horology. This intricate mechanism powers some of the most prestigious watches by Audemars Piguet. In this post, we will delve into the details of this exceptional caliber, including its specifications and unique features.

Specifications of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2860

TypeAutomatic movement
Power Reserve60 hours
Frequency28,800 vibrations per hour (4 Hz)
FunctionsHours, minutes, seconds, date, chronograph
Diameter28.4 mm
Thickness6.05 mm

Unique Features

The AP 2860, first of all, is known for its precision. Additionally, it has an impressive power reserve of 60 hours. Moreover, its high frequency ensures accurate timekeeping. Furthermore, the movement contains 37 jewels, which reduce friction. Finally, with 320 components, it demonstrates Audemars Piguet’s expertise in watchmaking.

Intricate Craftsmanship

Firstly, the caliber AP 2860 features meticulous craftsmanship. Additionally, every part is assembled by hand. Moreover, the movement’s finishing includes polished and chamfered edges. Furthermore, the intricate details highlight the brand’s dedication. Lastly, the high-quality materials used ensure durability.

Functions and Practicality

The movement, firstly, supports various functions. Additionally, it displays hours, minutes, and seconds. Moreover, it includes a date function. Furthermore, the chronograph feature is useful for measuring time intervals. Lastly, the practical design makes it suitable for daily wear.


In conclusion, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2860 is a masterpiece. First of all, it combines precision with durability. Additionally, it showcases the brand’s craftsmanship. Moreover, it offers practical functions. Furthermore, it stands out with its intricate design. Lastly, it represents the pinnacle of watchmaking excellence.

This post, aimed at young readers, provides a comprehensive overview of the AP 2860, highlighting its unique features and specifications in a simple and engaging manner.

Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730

Introduction to Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730

The Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730 is a remarkable movement, showcasing the brand’s dedication to excellence. Additionally, this movement is known for its precision and reliability. It embodies the brand’s craftsmanship. Furthermore, it is admired by watch enthusiasts globally. Therefore, owning a watch with the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730 is a mark of prestige.

Design and Features of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730

The design of the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730 is both elegant and functional. Moreover, it features a unique layout that enhances its aesthetic appeal. This movement also includes cutting-edge technology. Besides, it is designed to withstand the test of time. Thus, the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730 is perfect for those who appreciate fine watchmaking.

Precision and Reliability of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730

Precision is a key characteristic of the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730. In addition, the movement is highly reliable. It ensures accurate timekeeping under various conditions. Also, it is crafted with high-quality materials. Consequently, the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730 is trusted by collectors. As a result, it stands out in the world of luxury watches.

Innovation in Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730

The Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730 represents innovation in watchmaking. Moreover, it incorporates advanced technologies. These innovations contribute to its superior performance. Besides, it has a unique mechanism that enhances its functionality. Therefore, the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730 is at the forefront of modern horology. Ultimately, it is a testament to Audemars Piguet’s commitment to progress.

Durability of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730

Durability is another hallmark of the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730. In addition, it is built to last. The movement is resistant to wear and tear. Furthermore, it requires minimal maintenance. This durability makes the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730 a wise investment. Consequently, owners can enjoy its performance for years. As a result, it is a popular choice among watch lovers.

Specifications of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730

Below are the detailed specifications of the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730:

Power Reserve60 hours
Frequency28,800 vibrations per hour (vph)
Diameter28.4 mm
Thickness5.5 mm
FunctionsHours, minutes, seconds, date
MaterialHigh-quality, durable components

Conclusion on Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730

In conclusion, the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730 is a masterpiece of watchmaking. Additionally, it combines precision, innovation, and durability. It is perfect for anyone who values quality. Furthermore, it represents the pinnacle of horological excellence. Therefore, the Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2730 is a must-have for any serious collector. Ultimately, it is an iconic symbol of luxury and craftsmanship.

Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2716

Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2716 is a remarkable movement found in several of their luxurious timepieces. This movement is known for its precision and elegant design, making it a favorite among watch enthusiasts. Let’s explore the details of this impressive caliber.

The Marvel of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2716

Firstly, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2716 is crafted with exceptional attention to detail. Secondly, it features a blend of innovative technology and traditional watchmaking craftsmanship. Additionally, the caliber ensures high performance. Moreover, it offers durability. Lastly, it enhances the overall appeal of the watch.

Specifications of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2716

To illustrate, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2716 has a variety of technical features. Firstly, it includes a self-winding mechanism. Furthermore, it boasts a frequency of 21,600 vibrations per hour. Additionally, the movement is composed of several jewels. Moreover, the power reserve is significant. Finally, it is made with meticulous precision.

Movement TypeSelf-winding
Frequency21,600 vibrations per hour
Power ReserveSignificant
DesignMeticulous precision
The Intricacies of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2716

Additionally, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2716 is designed to ensure accurate timekeeping. Moreover, the movement’s complexity is balanced with a user-friendly interface. Furthermore, it provides reliable performance. Additionally, the aesthetic appeal is enhanced by the movement’s intricate details. Finally, the overall experience is elevated.

Performance of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2716

Moreover, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2716 is built for excellence. Additionally, it features a robust power reserve. Furthermore, the movement is reliable. Additionally, it maintains precision. Lastly, it supports the luxurious feel of the watch.

The Legacy of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2716

Lastly, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2716 embodies the brand’s legacy. Additionally, it showcases their dedication to quality. Moreover, the movement is a testament to their craftsmanship. Furthermore, it reflects their innovative spirit. Finally, it contributes to the watch’s timeless appeal.

In conclusion, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2716 is an extraordinary movement. Its combination of precision, craftsmanship, and reliability makes it a standout in the world of luxury watches. This caliber not only enhances the performance of the watch but also adds to its aesthetic charm.

百達翡麗1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶 獨家機芯禮讚PP前總裁85載製錶熱忱

百達翡麗PATEK PHILIPPE 1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶
百達翡麗推出限量30只的1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶,並搭載全新研發之R AL 27 PS機芯,誠向菲臘.斯特恩致敬。

菲臘·斯特恩(Philippe Stern)在1993年至2009年期间擔任百達翡麗(Patek Philippe)的總裁,目前擔任該公司的榮譽總裁。為慶祝他的85歲生日,品牌特別研發了一款鳴音報時腕錶,結合了三問和響報時間的功能。這款腕錶能夠按照預設時間進行鳴音報時,使用了兩條音簧裝置。該腕錶限量生產30枚,配備全新獨家機芯,專為這批腕錶製造,不會在其他型號中使用。錶殼採用軍官式的鉑金,錶面為黑色大明火琺瑯,展示了菲臘·斯特恩的微繪琺瑯灰白肖像,使整體腕錶顯得非凡。

百達翡麗自1839年創立以來,在鳴音報時鐘錶領域上,無論是自動走時打簧報時的鐘錶(大自鳴、小自鳴),還是按需求打簧報時的時計(問時功能),都享有盛譽。1989年,品牌慶祝創業150周年,當時的董事長菲臘·斯特恩推出了著名的R 27自動上鍊機芯,這是百達翡麗首款完全由自家工作室設計和製造的機芯,開啟了三問腕錶的新紀元。自此,三問時計在百達翡麗產品系列中擁有重要地位,成為品牌常規生產中最大的系列之一。至今,百達翡麗推出了十多款擁有這一頂級複雜功能的時計,包括純粹的三問功能或與其他複雜功能(如大小自鳴、陀飛輪、萬年曆、計時秒和世界時區等)結合的款式。

百達翡麗PATEK PHILIPPE 1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶

禮讚 85 載製錶熱忱


此外,二零一四年推出的編號5175大師報時腕錶也是一個里程碑,慶祝百達翡麗品牌成立175周年。這款腕錶擁有多達20項複雜功能,包括三問、大自鳴、小自鳴,以及按要求鳴音報示日期等。它配備了300手工上鍊機芯「GS AL 36-750 QIS FUS IRM」,是百達翡麗最複雜的腕錶之一,於2016年被列入品牌的常規時計系列,編號6300。

百達翡麗PATEK PHILIPPE 1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶
1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶/直徑41mm 鉑金錶殼/時間指示,三問報時,12小時響報功能,小秒針/R AL 27 PS自動上鍊機芯,動力儲存最少43小時,最多48小時/藍寶石水晶鏡面,透明底蓋由鉸鏈防塵蓋保護/限量30只


百達翡麗的 R AL 27 PS 機芯確實展示了高度的技術代表性,特別是在結合三問功能和響報預設時間功能方面的創新。這款機芯的設計要求工程師團隊重新思考三問裝置的結構,以便同時整合響報時間功能。其中一大挑戰在於要求三問和響報時間裝置共用同一套經典音簧,同時保留百達翡麗三問時計特有的外觀設計,即打簧滑動桿嵌入錶殼左側的佈局。



百達翡麗PATEK PHILIPPE 1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶




百達翡麗PATEK PHILIPPE 1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶



百達翡麗PATEK PHILIPPE 1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶
透明底蓋由鉸鏈防塵蓋保護,可細賞R AL 27 PS機芯之精巧的加工細節,如經過鍍金的夾板橋削角邊緣和敲錘,以及22K黃金鍍銠微型自動盤的黃金邊緣。

12 小時響報時間功能


百達翡麗PATEK PHILIPPE 1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶

18K 金錶面延續對菲臘・斯特恩的敬意。錶面添上大明火黑色琺瑯作為背景,在此發揮微繪琺瑯 工藝,以灰與白色繪上斯特恩先生的大明火琺瑯肖像。工藝師以巧手細膩繪成一幅袖珍畫像, 正是這位榮譽總裁一直悉心培育這些珍稀手工技藝下的成果。錶面配以寶璣式立體數字及寶璣 式時針和分針,全以白金製造,與玫瑰金響報時間指針和刻度相互映襯,對比分明,讓時間顯 示平添優雅氣息。

百達翡麗PATEK PHILIPPE 1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶
防塵蓋上飾有「A mon père, 85 ans de passion horlogère 」(獻給父親,八十五載製錶熱忱)的手工精雕字樣。


鉑金錶殼直徑 41 毫米,由人手全面打磨;錶耳筆直,錶帶連接桿以螺絲固定。如此設計,令人 想起菲臘・斯特恩在一九八九年的一款作品。當時為慶祝公司成立 150 周年,他推出了編號 3960 限量腕錶,展現「軍官式」設計風格,讓人緬懷在二十世紀初出現最早期的腕錶模樣。 現在取材鉑金製成新款時計,原因除了那是最高貴的金屬,亦在於就三問時計音質來說,要得 到真正的「百達翡麗音色」,呈現這種備受鑑賞家鍾愛的聲音,鉑金用料象徵最大的挑戰。編 號1938P-001 腕錶秉承百達翡麗所有鉑金時計傳統,於錶側六時位置鑲有一顆鑽石。錶殼亦配 以藍寶石水晶錶殼底蓋,由鉸鏈防塵蓋保護,蓋上展示「A mon père, 85 ans de passion horlogère 」(獻給父親,八十五載製錶熱忱)人手精雕字樣。

百達翡麗PATEK PHILIPPE 1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶
R AL 27 PS自動上鍊機芯僅搭載於1938P-001三問及響報時間功能腕錶中,可提供最多48小時動力儲存,並同時配備4項全新專利技術。

透過藍寶石水晶錶殼底蓋,可以細賞R AL 27 PS 新款自動上鍊機芯精巧的加工細節-夾板橋削 角邊緣和敲錘經過鍍金,22K 黃金鍍銠迷你擺動陀展現黃金邊緣,並由人手刻上菲臘・斯特恩的 黑色塗漆簽名式樣作為點綴。亮麗黑色鱷魚皮錶帶搭配鉑金摺疊扣,高貴優雅,佩戴舒適。


百達翡麗 花邊 珠寶鑲嵌
百達翡麗月相功能女裝腕錶7121/200G-001/直徑33mm白金錶殼/時間指示、月相顯示/215 PS LU自動上鍊機芯,動力儲存最少39小時、最多44小時/藍寶石水晶鏡面、透明底蓋/防水30米/參考售價SGD $51804

是的,Patek Philippe 的錶圈設計確實非常獨特且精緻,尤其是他們的花邊錶圈。這些錶圈通常採用精美的手工雕刻或鑲嵌工藝,展現出高超的工藝水準和獨特的設計風格。每一款錶圈都可能有其獨特的花紋或圖案,使每款錶都成為獨一無二的藝術品。



百達翡麗 花邊 珠寶鑲嵌

愛彼 皇家橡樹離岸型 Tour Auto 2012 限量版計時碼錶

愛彼 皇家橡樹離岸型 Tour Auto 2012 限量版計時碼錶

愛彼(Audemars Piguet)一直以來都致力於推出與賽車運動相關或是融合賽車元素的錶款。2010年,愛彼宣布德國車神麥可‧舒馬克(Michael Schumacher)成為品牌大使,進一步鞏固了愛彼與賽事活動之間的緊密聯繫。這一合作不僅提升了愛彼品牌在賽車愛好者中的知名度,也突顯了其在精密製錶技術方面的卓越成就。

在2012年,愛彼推出了限量150只的皇家橡樹離岸型Tour Auto 2012限量版計時碼錶,這款錶不僅展示了品牌對賽車運動的熱愛和支持,也反映了愛彼對於高性能與精密工藝的不懈追求。這款限量版計時碼錶結合了經典設計與現代技術,成為賽車愛好者和收藏家的夢幻逸品。

皇家橡樹離岸型 Tour Auto 2012 限量版計時碼錶

自1992年起,Tour Auto已經成為法國最著名的古董車拉力賽活動,長達數千公里的行程,對於參賽的選手與車輛都是一大挑戰。比賽從巴黎大皇宮(Grand Palais)出發,共有220部的參賽車輛,途中更經過包括子爵城堡(Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte)等多條享譽盛名和深具歷史意義的賽段。

巧妙的色彩組合:本錶款的面盤,遵循皇家橡樹離岸型的原創設計,使用Méga Tapisserie型格紋裝飾。不過九點鐘的計分小錶盤與六點鐘的計時小錶盤,則運用不同樣式的紅藍白三色組合。




Tour Auto圖樣底蓋:由於本款腕錶不是採用透明底蓋,因此實心底蓋上鐫刻了Tour Auto環法拉力賽活動的圖樣;而底蓋的造型同樣是屬於八角形設計,不過螺絲則是改採圓形設計。


直徑42mm Cal.3126/3840自動上鍊機芯/不鏽鋼錶殼/時間顯示、日期窗與計時碼錶/限量150只/防水100米/參考價SGD $42316(實際價格以官方公告為準)

融合砂金石與琺瑯 愛彼CODE 11.59飛行陀飛輪自動上鍊腕錶 26396OR.OO.D002CR.02

愛彼AUDEMARS PIGUET CODE 11.59系列飛行陀飛輪自動上鍊腕錶26396OR.OO.D002CR.02

愛彼(Audemars Piguet)最新推出的Code 11.59系列中,增添了兩款自動上鏈飛行陀飛輪腕錶。這兩款新品的錶面設計極具特色,將精緻的琺瑯和璀璨的砂金石完美結合,營造出如同浩瀚星空般的獨特效果。




愛彼AUDEMARS PIGUET CODE 11.59系列飛行陀飛輪自動上鍊腕錶26396OR.OO.D002CR.02



愛彼AUDEMARS PIGUET CODE 11.59系列飛行陀飛輪自動上鍊腕錶
愛彼CODE 11.59系列飛行陀飛輪自動上鍊腕錶。型號:26396BC.OO.D002CR.01/直徑41mm 18K白金錶殼/時間指示、陀飛輪/2950愛彼自製自動上鍊機芯,動力儲存65小時/防水30m


第二款愛彼Code 11.59自動上鏈飛行陀飛輪腕錶配以藍色砂金石琺瑯錶面、18K白金錶殼、時標、阿拉伯數字和指針,手工潤飾精美絕倫。錶面為煙燻色,以增加深度和精緻感。採用藍色和黑色砂金石融入琺瑯的手法,營造錶面的漸層效果。6點鐘處的鍍銠浮動式陀飛輪與白金錶殼的明亮色調互為呼應。透過藍寶石色底蓋可見到的鏤空自動擺陀,採用鍍銠色調22K玫瑰金製成,呼應錶殼色彩。

愛彼AUDEMARS PIGUET CODE 11.59系列飛行陀飛輪自動上鍊腕錶26396BC.OO.D002CR.01
愛彼第一款飛行陀飛輪腕錶在2018年推出,並選擇在皇家橡樹系列中亮相,而Code 11.59則為該品牌第二個搭載飛行陀飛輪的系列,左為Calibre 2950自製自動上鍊機芯。




愛彼的Code 11.59系列的兩個新款腕錶均搭載自動上鏈飛行陀飛輪,由愛彼Calibre 2950自動上鏈自產機芯提供動力,該機芯搭配飛行陀飛輪和中央自動盤。自1920年代問世以來,飛行陀飛輪一直是製錶卓越藝術的象徵。如今,愛彼是能夠製作陀飛輪的為數不多的製錶品牌。愛彼的第一枚飛行陀飛輪腕錶於2018年在皇家橡樹系列中驚艷亮相。愛彼Code 11.59系列是愛彼搭載有此一卓絕機械機制的第二個腕錶系列。

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AUDEMARS PIGUET愛彼皇家橡樹系列自動上鍊腕錶34mm

瑞士高級製錶品牌愛彼(Audemars Piguet)為Royal Oak皇家橡樹系列自動上鏈腕錶增添了兩款優雅動人的34毫米新作。這些新款腕錶無論是在材質選擇還是設計細節上都展現出非凡的魅力。





AUDEMARS PIGUET愛彼皇家橡樹系列自動上鍊腕錶34mm
粉色面盤採用ALD(原子層沉積)鍍膜技術,為「Grande Tapisserie」大型格紋面盤披上俏麗的粉紅新裝。


Royal Oak皇家橡樹系列推出「純玫瑰金」34毫米腕錶。錶殼及鏈帶完全以18K玫瑰金打造,所有零件均經品牌經典霧面打磨與拋光倒角交錯處理,突顯了玫瑰金的溫暖色澤,並營造出千變萬化的光線輝映效果。

愛彼特別採用ALD(原子層沉積)鍍膜技術,為「Grande Tapisserie」大型格紋錶面披上俏麗的粉紅新裝。玫瑰金立體時標與指針內填螢光材料,即便在黑暗中依然醒目易讀。12點鐘位置鑲貼玫瑰金立體愛彼標誌,3點鐘位置日期視窗的背景採用與錶面一致的粉紅色,襯托著醒目的黑色數字。黑色軌道分鐘刻度與6點鐘位置的黑色「Swiss Made」(瑞士製造)字樣,直接移印於粉紅色格紋圖騰上。

AUDEMARS PIGUET愛彼皇家橡樹系列自動上鍊腕錶34mm
皇家橡樹系列自動上鍊腕錶34mm,型號 77450OR.OO.1361OR.01/直徑34mm 18K玫瑰金錶殼/時間指示,日期窗/5800自動上鍊機芯,動力儲存50小時/藍寶石水晶鏡面,透明底蓋/防水50米



AUDEMARS PIGUET愛彼皇家橡樹系列自動上鍊腕錶34mm
皇家橡樹系列自動上鍊腕錶34mm,型號 77450SR.OO.1361SR.03/直徑34mm 精鋼錶殼,18K玫瑰金錶圈/時間指示,日期窗/5800自動上鍊機芯,動力儲存50小時/藍寶石水晶鏡面,透明底蓋/防水50米

時標、指針與電鍍生成的立體愛彼標誌均以玫瑰金製作,為灰色PVD鍍膜「Grande Tapisserie」大型格紋錶面帶來光彩,持續演繹雙色設計主題。立體時標與時分針內填一種白色夜光材料,會在黑暗中綻放綠色螢光,在光線微弱之處依然醒目易讀。白色軌道分鐘刻度與白色「Swiss Made」(瑞士製造)字樣低調地印在格紋圖騰的外緣。3點鐘位置日期視窗採用與錶面一致的灰色背景,襯托著醒目的白色數字。 



這兩款摩登之作皆搭載Audemars Piguet的5800自動上鏈機芯,為喜愛小錶徑的藏家提供了更多選擇。5800機芯不僅具備優異的精準度和穩定性,還擁有長達50小時的動力儲存,確保腕錶在不同情況下都能保持卓越的性能

Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2714

Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2714: A Closer Look

Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2714 is renowned for its precision and craftsmanship. This exquisite movement powers some of Audemars Piguet’s most iconic timepieces, combining tradition with innovation.

Movement Overview

The AP 2714 movement is celebrated for its reliability and accuracy. It operates at a frequency of 28,800 vibrations per hour, ensuring precise timekeeping. Another key point, it features 29 jewels, reducing friction and enhancing longevity. As has been noted, this movement incorporates a monobloc oscillating weight in 22-carat gold, ensuring optimal winding efficiency.

Technical Specifications

Here’s a comprehensive table detailing the specifications of the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2714:

Caliber NumberAP 2714
Frequency28,800 vibrations per hour
Power ReserveApproximately 40 hours
Winding SystemAutomatic
Oscillating WeightMonobloc in 22-carat gold
FunctionsHours, minutes, seconds
CertificationNot officially certified

Model Utilization

The AP 2714 movement is predominantly found in Audemars Piguet’s prestigious collections. Notably, it is utilized in the timeless classics of the Royal Oak series, showcasing both elegance and performance.


In conclusion, Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2714 stands as a testament to the brand’s commitment to excellence. With attention to its precision engineering and exquisite design, this movement continues to captivate watch enthusiasts worldwide.

  • However Remember, for genuine Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2714, visit for a wide selection of watches under this caliber and trusted service. A lot of customers have bought from us.
  • Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries. We are here to assist you and look forward to addressing your questions promptly and effectively.

Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2713

Overview of Audemars Piguet Caliber AP 2713

The Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2713 is an impressive movement known for its precision and craftsmanship. As I have pointed out, this caliber is a testament to the brand’s dedication to excellence. Of course, it is designed with both performance and elegance in mind, making it a sought-after choice among watch enthusiasts.

Features and Functions

Chiefly, the AP 2713 is admired for its technical sophistication. This movement boasts a frequency of 21,600 vibrations per hour, which ensures accurate timekeeping. Furthermore, it has a power reserve of approximately 40 hours. In other words, you can rely on its performance over extended periods. As I have shown, the meticulous design and engineering behind this caliber are what set it apart from others.

Certification and Model Usage

Interestingly, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2713 does not hold a specific certification like the COSC (Contrôle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres). However, its quality and reliability are undeniable. As can be seen, it is used in several high-end models, enhancing their value and appeal. One notable example is the Royal Oak Offshore Chronograph, which is highly regarded among collectors.

Detailed Specifications

Frequency21,600 vibrations per hour
Power ReserveApproximately 40 hours
FunctionsHours, minutes, seconds
ModelsRoyal Oak Offshore Chronograph

Final Thoughts

Certainly, the Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2713 is a movement that exemplifies fine watchmaking. Comparatively, it stands out due to its impeccable design and performance. For this reason, it is a preferred choice for those who appreciate both style and functionality. To put it another way, owning a watch with this caliber is a mark of distinction.

  • However, remember, for genuine Audemars Piguet caliber AP 2713, visit for a wide selection of watches under this caliber and trusted service. A lot of customers have bought from us.
  • Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries. We are here to assist you and look forward to addressing your questions promptly and effectively.